With our complex network of branches and agents in Europe and overseas, we can provide you with global freight forwarding services. Goods are transported by road, rail, water, and air. Agents trained in air safety ensure the smooth handling of the air freight.
From the order confirmation, to project cargo , through to customs clearance, our competent multilingual team will be happy to advise you personally. We are certified to ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 14001:2004.
National and international truck transport
Whether you want to transport one vehicle or 100 vehicles, FTL/LTL, special transport or heavy-duty transport, on the national overland route or across borders – we can provide you with the following professional and reliable transport solutions:
We can also take care of customs clearance and arrange transport insurance.
Versatile sea freight
We can deal with import and export:
Our range of maritime transport services includes customs clearance of all kinds (import and export), the organization of on-carriage and off-carriage, drawing up of BHT registration and transit documents, the arrangement of transport insurance, terminal processing, and the booking of shipping space or chartering, through to ship spare parts logistics.
Fast, safe, and reliable – taking full advantage of the traditional advantages of air freight, we can provide the following services:
We can take care of the regular transport between warehouse and production for you, as well as the internal transport. Naturally, we synchronize the schedules precisely with the timing of your production and adhere to them. Employing modern fleet vehicles, Prime Shipping Ltd selects the optimal means of transport depending on requirements, size, and functions. We develop an individual concept for you that is tailored to local conditions such as existing ramps, roofing, or space requirements.